Friday, December 6, 2019

Legacies - It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough

Discussing Ep. 2.7

Well, it was a good episode yet a very disappointing episode, if only because we've probably seen the last of this guy!

I'm upset about this. Like was stated before, I really wanted Vardemus to have his own storyline, his own agenda and to be this unique monster. Not be Mudman Jr. (and he was even addressed as Mudman....Lizzie called him Mudboy!) in disguise. I thought Vardemus brought a unique quality to the show and I was really hoping he'd take Josie to the limit of darkness and be a major player this season. Sadly, this is not the case.

And I have to say, the way that Alaric and Dorian discovered Vardemus' true nature was a bit contrived. I could buy that Dorian ran a DNA test on him, but the fact that when he brought the results to Alaric and Alaric had the DNA test he ran on the blood samples that he got from Malivore right there in the car with him? Yeah, that was just some bullshit right there. Frankly, I kind of felt like they ended the Vardemus storyline one episode too early. They could have extended the mystery with Vardemus and Alaric having a showdown or Josie discovering the truth behind Vardemus and having her own showdown with him. In the end, Mudman Jr. apparently couldn't wait and had to reveal himself now. 

In all honesty, I'm disappointed in Mudman Jr. in general. I had high hopes for him but he's now become your garden variety bad guy. Like, really? For once, can we not have a villain brag about his grand plan to the person who can stop him BEFORE he executes it? Him gloating about how he used Josie to empower that trident and how he merely had to cut someone with it in order to transfer his consciousness over to that just knew that Hope was going to prevent him from touching her with that thing and that he would never do so afterwards, despite his MANY opportunities to do so. Like....seriously.....he had the jump on her in the yard! He could have cut her on her back, her leg, her arm, her neck....anywhere! Every punch he connected with....every kick he successfully delivered.....every grab or push where he made contact....if ALL he had to do was cut her with that stupid glorified fork to succeed in his plan, he had MULTIPLE chances to do it and he failed. HE FUCKING FAILED!!! I can't stand this kind of buffoonery from the villains. I'm glad there's a greater evil out there.

Speaking of which.

The Sphinx makeup and costume was just weird. I really didn't know what to make of it. His eyes looked creepy as shit so I'll give them that. And with him being the Sphinx, I figured he'd be more like the Riddler, throwing out riddles in order for Landon or the others to save themselves from destruction. But that wasn't the case. I will say this though....even though Raf has been relegated to sidekick status, I liked how he was given the chance to have any question he wanted answered....any question at all. And he wasn't selfish about it. He asked how he could save Landon from Malivore! I was fully expecting him to ask about his chances with Hope or something like that. But no....he was worried about his brother. And in the end, he departed with his brother. I hope for a bigger storyline for Raf because he's one of the good guys!

I do like that thanks to the Sphinx, another layer has been added to the overall storyline. It's somewhat similar to TVD when they had that "greater evil" scenario, suggesting that Malivore isn't the only Big Bad that they are now going to face. I wish I could remember the riddle he gave at the end, but whatever is coming, it's looks like it's going to be worse than Malivore and I cannot wait! And it seems those druid people may not be working for Malivore at all but are working for this other power. Could it be Kai? I'd welcome that.

This SimuLandon storyline was rather interesting. I wasn't expecting them to go this way. In all honesty, it was rather convoluted in terms of the explanation they gave for the two Landons (with SimuLandon looking somewhat like Ironman with his glowing chest thingy) but I was impressed that they came up with that at all! And they used it rather well. I couldn't help but wonder if they took a page out of the Buffy playbook because this sort of reminded me of when Xander got struck by some magical object and split into two Xanders, the "winner" Xander and the "loser" Xander.

It would only be years later that I would find out that there were no special effects used to create the two Xanders but rather it was Nicolas Brendon's twin brother that portrayed the other Xander! I don't think it was the case here with Landon but it did remind me somewhat of that episode. I thought it brought up a rather interesting question: can you really trust your subconscious to accurately portray what you really want? With SimuLandon going on and on about how much he wants Hope and he was practically acting like an excited puppy around her, I find it hard to believe that he could brush off whatever feelings he may have had for Josie so easily. You can't tell me that he felt nothing for her! I'd understand why Josie would be so hurt by SimuLandon's behaviour since he didn't seem to hesitate for one minute in hunting down Hope and expressing his love for her. But I agree with Landon that humans are much more complex and it's not all about the subconscious. Still, it's hard to argue that Landon doesn't want Josie and instead wants Hope in the end.

I had completely forgotten about SimuLandon when Mudman Jr. and Hope were fighting so they got me....they really got me! I was fully expecting Mudman Jr. to possess Landon and how that would throw a wrench in the works but they threw a different wrench. Now, Clarke possesses SimuLandon....BUT....SimuLandon has Hope's blood in him! Tribrid blood! So I give them a lot of credit in terms of building everything up to this point and putting all the pieces in place. Very well done!

And I give Hope credit for being able to dupe Mudman Jr. by using his own Illusion Ring against him, although I do wonder how she was able to master using it so quickly. Nevertheless, it was a good ruse. So now Hope has made up with Josie and is back at the school. Like Jenzy had pointed out, I suppose this means that Hope is no longer living on the streets? Or living at the shelter? Or living in an abandoned house? Because where has she been living all this time? You know what? She should be living at the Mikaelson Mansion! That thing is still there, right? Why is she not living there? That's her birthright. They missed a golden opportunity right there by not having Hope crash at her family's mansion.

Speaking of the past, I also liked the various references to TVD and TO. When Landon says "Hello, brother," an obvious nod to Damon and Stefan. And the Cursed Shackles....I remember those from The Originals. I'm not surprised that The Armoury had a pair, and it's rather fitting if not ironic that they should be used on Hope considering that it was under her uncle, Kol's, guidance that the original Cursed Shackles were created to inhibit a witch from using her magic.

So overall, I liked the episode because it had various twists and turns that I wasn't expecting. We now have a new villain that will come onto the scene and one that I hope is more competent than the Mudmen Family has been. I do wonder SimuLandon everything that Landon is? Is he a phoenix? If so, can he really die? And if not, if Clarke were to kill SimuLandon via suicide, would he turn into a vampire considering he has Hope's blood in him?

I guess we'll see.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Riverdale - In Treatment

Discussing Ep. 4.8

- Oh, no! The boring videographer is back with his, or her, boring footage of people's houses. I had completely forgotten about this storyline and I'm surprised as all hell that they remembered it!

- I think Toni is more frightened at the doll being invited to watch the footage than the footage itself!

- Ohhhhhh.....Gina Torres!

Normally, I'd welcome such an actress to a show but she is FAR too good for this show! Her presence alone cannot elevate this show from the depths of shit that it has reached.

- "When did you become a liar?"
You're asking this of Where were you for the past 4 seasons, Alice?

- She didn't get into Yale....and she's surprised? Well, fuck...I'm surprised too! I mean, she's obviously overqualified, right? She's attended all of but two classes in high school, but why let that stop her or any other Riverdale student from getting into college or university? Especially Betty, who is so innately good at everything she does.....what does it matter that she didn't get into Yale? I'm sure she would have gotten bored within a week of Yale because it was "too easy!" Fuck this show!

- Oh, fucking hell!!!

First of all, since when did Alice give a damn about Betty's sex life? Since when did Alice give a damn about Betty, period? Secondly, I'm not one to side with Betty but she had an EASY argument, that being saving her idiot mother who decided to join a cult as an undercover agent and almost got herself killed doing so, not to mention all the other shit that they've been through. This is absolutely horrible writing and I don't know why they wrote Alice to be like this.

- What the fuck is this now?

They're logging all of Mrs. Burble's sessions as case numbers now?

- So now Alice Cooper is Alice Smith. Sounds like an alias and a really bad one at that. And plus, she's still wearing her wedding and engagement this makes no sense.

- This is ridiculous! They drew this whole Alice/Betty drama OUT OF NOWHERE!!! So Betty didn't get into Yale and Alice believes that it's because she's having too much sex. This is so much contrived bullshit that I can't even wrap my head around it! This is such a waste of an acting talent like Gina Torres to be involved in a show this stupid!

- Whoa....hold up! So Alice admits that she was under the influence of Edgar....and that's why she gave away Betty's college fund, but then admits that she started working with Charles as an FBI undercover agent? No....NO!!!! You can't have it both ways! She was either working for the FBI since day one or she was legitimately under Edgar's influence. Fuck this show and their shitty writing!

- I'll give Betty credit for spilling all the events of the last 3 seasons. At least she did that.

- "She's too young to have sex."

This show is admitting this now? Betty has admitted she is all of 16 years old at this point but has been fucking Jughead like a rabbit for 3 seasons now.....which means that she may well have been 14 or 15 when she became sexually active! This is the most irresponsible show that I know of and no doubt contributes to the warped views that young people have about sex. You contrast this with the way Legacies wrote the Josie/Landon relationship and I can't help but shake my head at this show because it does nothing to help kids have an appreciation and respect for what the sex act actually means!

- And another thing....Betty is NOT an adult, not is she's 16 years old. Now, maybe it's different in the States but to my knowledge, Alice is responsible for Betty until she turns 18. And while I'm not defending Alice in any way (they've done a horrible job with her character as well), they're elevating these kids to a level they don't deserve to be on. At 16 years old, you DON'T know what you're doing! Trust anyone who was 16 and can look back with years of experience and maturity behind don't know what you're doing!

- And again, this show goes on to blame the parents and glorify the kids. Yeah, it's all about Alice having a hard time letting go of her little girl. Never mind all the bad decisions Betty has done of her own volition. But's all the parents fault. The parents and adults on this show don't know shit and the kids are supreme! Fuck this show!

- Archie sleeping in class is a surprise to anyone?

Actually, I'm surprised he's even in class at all!

- So the teacher doesn't send Archie to the principal's office for sleeping in class....he sends him to the school counsellor? What fucking school does that?

- "I try to carry on his legacy." Yeah....I don't recall Fred Andrew's legacy involving beating people up and telling the local businesses to "get out of my way!"

- He's missed a lot of FOOTBALL!!! According to Mrs. Burble, Archie's missed a lot of...not school....but FOOTBALL! How does that make any sense?

- If Archie had said "I put on a mask....and I try to be Batman," I'd have applauded this show!

- Well, shit! At least they're acknowledging that Archie is angry. But he failed to admit that he's an idiot! And he deserves to be spoken to like a moron because he IS A MORON!

- WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? How is Archie 18 and Betty 16? HOW?!?

- Sigh!

- 26 absences for Cheryl? Yeah right! More like 260!

- Raising twin toddlers......and why isn't ALICE FUCKING RAISING THE TODDLERS?!?

- If they write it that Mrs. Burble (and they keep switching from Ms. to's annoying) diagnoses Cheryl as having narcissistic personality disorder.....I'll be HIGHLY impressed.

- She has a 4.0.....despite missing an admitted 26 days of school!

- A lifetime of trauma.....endured as a teenager. Unimaginable? You're damn right it is!

- I'll say this....her character needed this moment to get some kind of grace back because she's been so intolerable!

- Okay, Cheryl calling Mrs. Burble a "mallard" because she didn't understand that Cheryl had TWO brothers is uncalled for. Whatever sympathy I was starting to feel for her just went out the window with that one insult.

- Seriously....Cheryl is the one being gaslit? It wasn't Cheryl gaslighting someone Toni perhaps?

- Well, at least Cheryl didn't get to keep her Vixens!

- So Ronnie got into Harvard! Based on what? Hiram pulling some strings and got her in is an explanation I could buy. Not her getting in because of her academic standing.

- So they're going back with this Luna nonsense. There is only one Luna in the CW Luna!

- Wow! I'm surprised that Mrs. Burble is calling Ronnie out on her hypocritical behaviour!

- And Ronnie challenging Mrs. Burble's diagnosis is just ridiculous! Again, these stupid kids challenging the adults is out of control.

- She's a straight A student and runs two flourishing businesses. That line makes no sense at all and cannot exist in any sense of reality!


He doesn't even go to school there anymore! Why is she having a session with this guy? Under what obligation is she required to spend one minute diagnosing this fucker?!? THIS MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE!!!!

- What the hell is it with the shaky camera? With Mrs. Burble, it's steady, but with Jughead, it's all over the place! Why are they doing that? Is it supposed to be symbolic? It's more annoying than anything else.

- Damn! I'll give Mrs. Burble credit....she humbled Jug quite quickly! Well done.

- You know what....that was a nice moment between Jug and FP!

- I will be most upset if they write it that Nana Blossom was the one gaslighting Cheryl. Well, maybe not upset. I'll laugh first....but then I'll be upset because then they will have to write it that Cheryl overcomes Nana because they have to make the kids supreme on this show. Fuck this show!

- Sigh!

Mrs. Burble DID NOT recommend Ronnie go head-to-head in a battle of business with her father. He told her to walk away. But of course, Ronnie is going to challenge him in the business world, and she's going to win because the kids are supreme on this show! Fuck this show!

- And to boot....shes' going to make RUM?!? She's barely old enough to drink but she's going to deal in liquor production?

This episode had such potential. I think Mrs. Burble was the like the only adult to have ever gotten the better of the main characters of the show, and so I applaud her for that. But it's all for nothing! Nothing will change. Cheryl will go back to being the intolerable bitch she's always been.....Archie is once again going back to being Stupid Archie who does everything out of anger.....Ronnie is once again challenging her father in the realm of business, trying to get the better of him.....and Betty will go and do whatever it is that she does that no 16 year old has any right doing.

That still boggles my mind. Betty is 16 years old, which means that when she was doing all that Dark Betty webcamming for older men nonsense, she was either 14 or 15 years old.

That's fucking disgusting and the writers and producers of this show should be ashamed of themselves!