Discussing Ep. 2.11
This episode really, really felt like a filler episode. There wasn't anything about it that really moved the more interesting storyline regarding Lizzie, Josie and Alaric and them being trapped in the prison world. For that reason, I really felt jipped with this episode and was disappointed on multiple levels.
Aside from the way he looked and the way he would eat the hearts of his victims, which I liked because it had a very creepy factor to it, this whole Cupid/Pothos storyline was just dumb. First of all.....he's a god! Like, a god from Greek/Roman mythology! He admitted as much. And yet, Hope was able to clip his wings with a pair of scissors? He was able to be bested by Landon through an herb he ate? Landon was able to tackle the guy in the woods?
HE'S A GOD!!!!
Maybe I'm too used to other franchises portraying gods as the powerful beings that they are thought to be, but here, he was barely more difficult to defeat than a vampire. That's sucks! I mean, I still remember when Buffy met Glory, and when she later found out that she wasn't a demon but rather a god.....that was just an epic moment! And true to form, it took so much to take Glory down because of the fact that she wasn't a mere demon but a hell god. It fucking meant something!
Here, regardless of the fact that Pothos was the brother of Cupid, he is still a god and should have been a lot more difficult to take down! He could have qualified as a season long villain given his nature (more on the villain problems later).
I think what my problem with both this episode and the last episode is that the show is becoming TOO lighthearted. I can accept that tone every now and then, but having Wade become a fairy and Landon trying to fly and having Pothos make a dog and a mail man fall in love and all of that....add to it the storyline regarding The Necromancer/Ted and his corny resurgence and also when they had Santa Claus beat down Krampus and so on that I feel like the show is getting too silly. I recognize that Legacies wasn't what TO was going to be or even what TVD was going to be, but I expected some degree of seriousness, some degree of having that darker tone to it, similar to what TVD used to have in the first 3 seasons and what TO was in its early seasons as well. I feel like they're trying to play it up too much for laughs and it's annoying.
Also, they're adding too much in terms of the mythical creatures and their powers. So now they have Wade, the Fairy, who sneezes pixie dust. And now Landon can fly. Unless they have him go like Super Saiyan with his powers or something along those lines....
....then I'm not interested. I have a feeling they're going to play up his ability to fly more for laughs than anything else and that's just going to be a waste of a cool power.
Also, I have get this out of the way: Landon and his insecurities. I was a huge fan of having Landon be this physically weak, insecure and normal guy who wasn't like Klaus or Damon or even Stefan because it was refreshing. He wasn't the stud who got the girl because he flashed his abs and played up the bad boy role. He was a normal guy who got the girl by being himself. But in this episode, they're now swinging too far in the wrong direction. While I can understand and even appreciate Landon's insecurity feeding his disbelief that he's with a girl like Hope at this point, him CONSTANTLY wondering out loud why it was that Hope chose him or what she sees in him or why she chooses to be with him....fuck man, ENOUGH!!!! If there is one thing that I've learned about women, it's that they get turned off really fast when a guy shows that kind of lack of self-confidence. While it's fine that Landon is being honest about things and isn't so full of himself, he's putting Hope too high on a pedestal and is believing too much that he's not worthy of her. That kind of attitude just doesn't fly....it just doesn't!
Especially with a girl like Hope, who has expressed, in the past, an interest for guys who exhibit attitudes that are very much the opposite of Landon's current attitude. Roman (from TO) and that football guy (Sheriff RIP's son) are guys who had that self confidence, that swagger. They didn't look at Hope as some goddess who was beyond them and felt unworthy to even talk to her as a result. And while Hope is beautiful and in the world of Legacies, she's this one-of-a-kind tri-brid that truly is unique in the world, she's not perfect. Especially in this episode, she came off as very impatient, very demoralizing, very bitchy. I guess that was the point but Landon just rolled over like a dog and took it. He didn't argue back or stand up for himself in any way. Hope not being put off by that is inconsistent with what we know of her so far. So I'm not impressed with that.
Also, we don't need TWO separate scenes of them being all lovey-dovey. That's annoying.
The MG/Alyssa/Kaleb/Kaleb's sister Kym storyline was pointless too. Kaleb being opposed to MG asking his sister out to the point of giving disinformation regarding Kym's personal preferences in an attempt to sabotage the date, only to be upset at seeing MG and Alyssa together later was just stupid. He didn't want Kym and MG together.....and he got his wish. So why was he upset?
And I said this before regarding Alyssa's history on the show....she has none! She just showed up but the way she went on, talking about how MG never noticed her and was pre-occupied with Lizzie and all of that. Yeah, wanna know why he didn't notice you? BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T ON THE SHOW!!! And Alyssa's character wasn't really developed other than we know she does have a softer side and has a crush on MG. But this whole storyline did nothing to make me care about these peripheral characters. Kym's involvement was moot because she barely showed up, barely helped the main characters and then bowed out at the end. So I don't get what the point was.
Nor do I get the point of this storyline. This was stupid as well. Who cares about Emma and Dorian? Certainly not me. And to add to the stupidity, they had Jared suddenly be in love with Emma. What the fuck? And they also really pissed me off with this line at the beginning, when Emma is in a rush to leave because she has to go and join Caroline to find a way to bring back Alaric and the Wonder Twins. Dorian replies that Caroline can get Bonnie to help her, that she doesn't need Emma. This is the problem with name-dropping all these TVD characters that have no intention of showing up. You're teasing the audience and also creating scenarios that are completely unbelievable for those said characters.
Remember when Caroline left the Twins, left Alaric and left everything in Mystic Falls and went to NOLA to help Klaus because he was going off the deep end? She didn't have to do that. She had better things to do in Mystic Falls. But she apparently cared that much and made the trip in order to help Klaus.
And yet, you're telling me that the minute Caroline heard that her daughters were trapped in a prison world, that not only did she NOT call Bonnie right away and ask for her help but also, she did NOT take the first flight out of Europe to go to Mystic Falls, did NOT interrogate Alyssa personally for answers and did NOT try everything in her powers to find a way to bring them back?
They can write it off as Caroline staying in Europe to enlist the top witches there to help her find a way to bring them back....they can write it off that Caroline is trying to find Bonnie but is having a hard time doing so and therefore that's why she's not in Mystic Falls....they can write it off that she did indeed find Bonnie and together they're going to try and do what they can from wherever they are in Europe to create a new Ascendant and bring them back. They can do all of that, but it's still just bullshit at the end of the day. There is no world where Caroline doesn't hop on the first flight back to Mystic Falls, after getting in touch with Bonnie, to help in the effort to bring her daughters back.
Neither Kat nor Candice are ever going to appear on the show. And even if they did get Candice, no matter how much make up they put on her, she will not look like a 17 year old vampire. For that reason, either kill off both characters or just don't bother mentioning them again. I get that in the case of Caroline, it's hard not to mention her but it's just getting really tiresome now, always making up some excuse as to why she's not there in the thick of things. What kind of mother is she? What kind of friend is she? What kind of school administrator is she? She helped to open the Salvatore School. She ran it for a bit. But she's never there, for anything!
As for Ted (The Necromancer) being behind this eye thing and manipulating events....I like Ted but I fear they're falling into the trap that befell S5 of TVD, where there was no over-arching bad guy and they kept switching the Big Bad throughout the season. On the one hand, that's refreshing since you don't need it to be Malivore all the time. But Ted seems like a step down from Malivore, and yet they're still keeping Malivore around to provide little baddies to insert in individual episodes. And where is Kai going to fit in with all of this?
This episode really pissed me off and I'm hoping they can make it up with the next one with Kai.