Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Bedtime Stories - YouTube Channel

I'm usually not one to promote a YouTube channel because very rarely does one particular channel stand out and captures my attention.

This channel is the exception.

It's a channel dedicated to exploring stories and incidences from a variety of different subjects, including UFO's, alien abduction, unsolved mysteries, true crime, popular hauntings, ghost sightings, urban legends, cultural folkore and more.

What makes this channel stand out from other channels that explore similar subjects is how they present the material.

1) While you can sit back and listen to the narration alone, you'd be missing out on the animation and drawings which is very well done and adds a certain creepiness element to the storytelling. However, the creepiness is not the only thing that the animation adds. When they're retelling an incident that requires a visual of a map, the drawing and animation gives the viewer a better understanding of the circumstances of an incident through the use of maps and other visual aids. I find this to be immensely helpful when trying to see it in my head what exactly happened in a particular story.

2) They cover stories I'd never even heard of. While they do cover popular subjects like the Men in Black, the Bermuda Triangle, the Man from Taured, the Mandela Effect, the Mothman legend and other well-known mysteries, they also present stories that are lesser-known which gives the channel a fresh feel to it where you're not hearing the same old, same old. And even the more popular stories they do cover are approached from a different angle that makes it feel new.

3) They explore all the angles of a mystery, including reasons why a story might not be true or why popular theories regarding a story may, in fact, be false. The channel is not afraid of debunking theories through sceptic's arguments, showing why a supernatural/paranormal/extraterrestrial explanation may not be the correct one. In the end, they allow the viewer to make up his/her own mind with the evidence presented. With certain mysteries, like the Dyatlov Pass Incident, they will present explanations that completely debunk popular theories that are rooted in the extraordinary, taking a more balanced and fair approach to the evidence and theories that seek to explain why an event happened. This helps to make those stories that seemingly have no natural or rational explanation all the more interesting, if not frightening, since all one is left with is an extraordinary explanation that is rooted in the supernatural.

4) They treat the stories, circumstances and victims of the stories with respect. While during the storytelling, they do add elements or present it in a way that adds dramatic effect, they do not do what I see other channels and websites do in regards to exploring these mysteries. It's easy to become fascinated with the more fantastical elements of a particular story or incident, trying to figure out why or how a particular mystery occurred, overlooking the fact that someone (or several people) actually died. This channel doesn't do that. They consistently remind the audience how real people died real deaths in many of these cases and as such, are not to be brushed aside as some trivial detail of a story. They pay their respects to the victims and families of the victims of these mysteries and that's something I have tremendous respect for and find quite honourable. That alone sets them apart from all the rest.

So if you're into mysteries and the supernatural/paranormal or UFO's and such, I highly recommend viewing the videos on this channel. The videos are relatively short, often no more than 20 minutes. And some of them I do not recommend watching alone at night. There were some stories that I watched where I was looking over my shoulder, investigating noises in my room, wondering if perhaps one of these strange urban legends or folklore monsters had come to visit me.

It was....unsettling!

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