Saturday, October 12, 2019

Legacies - I'll Never Give Up Hope

Discussing Ep. 2.1

- I like the new logo without the colourful fireworks. This one works better!

- Aunt Bonnie! I hate how they tease TVD alumni!

- So Lizzie is hanging out with Caroline in Europe? Again, another tease.

- Alaric looks good with a beard. Looks more distinguished!

- This is really what has always gotten me about TVD universe vampires.....there's nothing 'vampire' about them other than their fangs and eyes and super powers. They get to walk around in the sunlight like normal people and it's off-putting. Seeing Kaleb and MG just hang around on a sunny afternoon, having BBQ is so not-vampire-like.

- I'm curious to know if there is any significance to having that "Jesus Saves" sign in the shot with MG and Kaleb.

- Why is Landon cooking the meat? Raf is a wolf....they don't need the meat to be cooked!

- Damn it, I was hoping it would be Klaus who rescued Hope.

- Clarke is coming off like some creepy dude at a club trying to pick up Hope! It's almost funny.

- I'm curious to know....if the world has completely forgotten Hope....then why has nothing in the world changed? We saw in Lizzie's alternate universe experience what happened when Hope never existed. So why is the world still the same?

- Oh, I really hope that with talk of the Ascendant, they will bring Kai back! That would be awesome!

- Josie is looking older for some reason. More so than any of the other characters, with the exception of maybe MG.

- "You talkin' to your meat?" That sounds really dirty if taken the wrong way! LOL!

- I'd be really curious to know what Landon is doing by re-killing himself a la Mafia style!

- I would be SO impressed if that vortex in Malivore was the same one that was sucking up people when the Other Side was collapsing. I know it isn't but that would be really cool if it was!

- Josie and Landon? Lasie? Jondon? Either way, it could work though it will really fuck things up with Hope!

- Ohhhh!!! "Solid second place!" That's cold shit right there!

- That's rubbish. Josie cheating at chess? Rubbish!

- LOL! Breaking the fourth wall! "You're a montage!"

- I'll give credit....those are some freaky looking monsters!

- I hope that's not the end of Clarke. He has potential to be a great villain.

- It's an interesting point Josie makes about a phoenix quota.....there is no telling how many times Landon can come back to life.

- FUCKIN' A!!!! Are they going to bring Kai back?!? I hope so! DAMN, I HOPE SO!!!

- Wow! So the memories of Hope don't come back with her return. This is going to be interesting.

- Awwww! I felt bad for Hope watching her watch Landon and Josie make out.

- Fucking hell....Hope SERIOUSLY needs to get in touch with Freya or Rebekah. Have a heart-to-heart about what's going on in her life. Have them walk her through this experience because she can't do it alone. Damn it....they need to bring back either Freya or Rebekah for this season!

- What the fuck is that monster supposed to be?!? He looks like the Hulk's meth-addicted little brother!

Normally, I would be upset at yet another Julie Plec love triangle. But this time, I'm not. This felt far, far more organic and plausible. Lasie seems to work despite them getting together in all of one episode, but they did it well. And in many ways, it seems almost like a love square...with Raf, Hope, Landon and Josie. They surprised me last season with the writing so I will trust they will handle this love square rather well.

Still, I am hoping for cameos from TVD/TO alumni. They can't go another season with these teases. They just can't. Bring in Freya. Bring in Kai. Bring in Caroline.

Bring in somebody, damn it!


  1. aand we're back in Mystic Falls! I also like the new logo a LOT better than last season! A lot of improvement there, same cannot unfortunately be said of all the special effects... so much cringe and it seemed like they amped up every possible creature in this one episode, will they have any budget for the rest of the season...??

    Please refresh my memory but was a spell done so that vamps do not need the daylight rings anymore? My memory is a bust on this one lmao.. And I've got no idea what MG & Kaleb were doing the whole summer, did they go to Kaleb's family? Why was MG not introduced to Kaleb's sister right away, like HOW did he NOT know what she looked like?! And wtf was that meat grilling contest about?? Did they really spend all summer on that one roof-balcony and met these people like once?? Did not spot the Jesus sign, but interesting (still most likely a coincidence knowing Plague lol).

    Landon cooking the meat had me rolling my eyes as well, like wtf??
    Hope going into Malivore did not erase her entire existence but just her existence from the memories of the people she had known. That's why nothing basically changed. It leaves a lot of plot holes though, like the whole legend of Klaus (how did he end up killing himself, what is the reason if not Hope).

    I think Josie's actress grew to a woman between the seasons, she's lost the child-like roundness she had. Happened to me too when I was like 19, my frame became more petite. I think she's around that age so probably that.

    I knew right away when Landon jumped into the lake that he was trying to see things related to when Hope killed him before jumping into Malivore, and I was right lol! But it also seemed like the light vortex trying to suck Hope somewhere appeared both times we were shown Landon almost dying, so I thought they were related, but apparently not.

    The "montage" thing was pretty funny, and Lizzie in general. I so knew they were setting up some awful love triangle between Josie/Landon/Hope... just not in the way so many Hosie shippers wanted lol! But you can't have a show with Plague without a good ol' love triangle.. as if Raf/Hope/Landon aka Damon/Elena/Stefan 2.0 wasn't enough.. Josie/Landon does make sense and is understandable given the circumstances and even though it happened in one episode, they basically passed through 3 months there, which gives them a lot of time when also noted that they kind of were friends already. If it wasn't to totally just amp up Hope's character arc tragedy, I'd be all for this.. Lasie, as you put it. Now adding Raf into this will be interesting, since Josie also had a crush on him... although wtf, honestly haha!

    "Hulk's meth-addicted little brother" lol!
    They really should on-board Freya, I mean she knows all kinds of witchy stuff so hello?! Maybe she could help with this twin merge business and all?! Alaric is honestly so dumb sometimes, he should know better and have all the remaining Originals on speed dial! Also, I feel like Freya should feel some witchy-woo feeling from the fact that Hope just kind of stopped existing. So many plot holes there..!

    1. It really is amazing that NONE of her relatives have come to visit her or to check up on her. Like you said, you'd think Freya would have like some kind of sixth sense when it came to Hope's life. Considering that Klaus gave his life to ensure her survival, considering her peculiar nature as being the only tri-brid around, considering that she is the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and as such, his enemies could still come and seek revenge on him by taking her out. Considering all of that, neither Freya nor Kol nor Rebekah bother to check in on her? They did before, with Freya visiting the school. Kol used to video-chat with her. Rebekah raised her when she was a baby for crying out loud! I refuse to believe that Freya, Rebekah and Kol are just so pre-occupied with their respective beaus and their fanastic lives that they have neither the time nor the inclination to see how Hope is doing. Not even a damn phone call!

      And what about Marcel? He was close to Hope too, claiming her as a little sister since he viewed Klaus like a father. He doesn't care either? I get that the actors are perhaps unavailable or are not interested in making a cameo appearance but it just looks so implausible considering what they all went through to protect and care for Hope throughout The Originals, only to not even bother to know what's going on with her.

      I suppose now, since everyone's forgotten about her, it's a convenient excuse as to why none of the Mikaelsons will ever show up on Legacies.....they don't remember Hope so why would they visit? But like you pointed out, if Hope never existed as far as they were concerned, then how do they explain Klaus' death? How do they explain the missing YEARS of their lives that centered around Hope?

      Plot holes indeed!

      I don't think the vampires have a spell that allows them to walk in the daytime. I think they're still using daylight rings. I agree seemed strange that MG and Kaleb's summer revolved around that BBQ on the roof! Did they do nothing else?

  2. I thought it was a solid episode. Not anything special or mind-blowing; just a summary of what everyone's been up to and potential storylines that can develop down the road. Malivore isn't what I expected. By it's black, gooey consistency I expected -- I don't know what I expected -- but certainly not the dark airplane hanger that was shown in the episode. They did a good job with the monsters this time around, so that was a plus. The special effects budget must have increased this year, cause the monsters are a lot more impressive to look at.

    I still can't get into the other characters on the show. Hope and Alaric are the only two I'm interested in and that isn't saying much since both of them have failed to impress me on the show so far. They have potential, but the lackluster writing is holding them back. Only out of sheer loyalty to Tvd and the Originals do I will myself to watch this show at times. I like both of them, but their storylines need to improve if they want me to be one hundred percent onboard. And that goes double for the other characters. Their storylines are too bland for me to pay any attention to. Hopefully Alexis and the new vampire can invigorate the show in ways it hasn't experienced before. Alexis alone might be able to do that. He's that talented!

    I will be watching, but with feigned interest until things improve. Hopefully that happens soon.


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