Thursday, October 24, 2019

Riverdale - Dog Day Afternoon

Discussing Ep. 4.3

- "That place is crawling with dealers and fiends." Fiends? Who talks like this? I'm surprised he didn't say villains!

- How convenient. Mad Dog's little brother, who we've never seen or even heard of before, becomes the impetus for Archie to move on turning that boxing gym into a youth centre. Who is paying for all this, by the way?

- How dare you, Jughead? How dare you reference The Dead Poets Society....a film starring the late, great Robin Williams. A film that inspires and elicits emotion to the point that it's one of the few films that actually gets me choked up. It's up there in my top 5 all time great films. You sully the name of this great film by speaking it on this substandard show!

- Jughead brought a typewriter? Look, I'm all for old school technology.....but that's fucking asinine! And it's not even nice looking. It's like something from the 70's.

- If you're going to bring a typewriter, get one of those old-timey ones. Have some style!

- What? Okay, so....WHAT A COINKIDINK! Jughead's roommate is none other than Moose. But he's no longer Moose. He's....Marmaduke? That's the name of a dog!

- "What about school, Archie?" I half expected Archie to respond "I don't go to school, mom. And yet I pass all my classes and am in line to graduate so, don't worry about it!"

- Are you fucking serious, Archie? What the fuck was that look you gave your mom when she showed concern about how much it will cost? HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU PLAN TO PAY FOR ANY OF THIS SHIT?!?  IT'S A LEGITIMATE QUESTION!!!!

- Yes! Evelyn is back....I hope!

- Okay, I don't get the set design of this FBI agency at all.

They have rotary phones. ROTARY PHONES!!! No laptops. No computers. They have rotary phones and a Rolodex! Kids today have no idea  how to work rotary phones. And dare I say, rotary phones don't work with current phone systems. How is this a top-notch FBI headquarters and they have no computers or any other modern technology but they have rotary phones?!? I didn't know the FBI budget was so low!

- Fuck you Cheryl and Toni. You DO NOT disparage Nana Rose! So what if she interrupted your make out session. You two make out every 2 hours!

- Shit! I forgot. Cheryl and Toni are taking care of Polly's twins. Why...again? How are they in any way shape or form qualified to do that? Who would leave infants in the care of these two empty-headed dimwits?

- Ya gotta love Nana Rose!

- Are you fucking serious?!? They are going to raise $40,000.....WITH A CAR WASH?!?

- Every suburban housewife is lining up thanks to half naked teenagers washing their cars. Somehow, I'd imagine that's insulting to suburban housewives. Then again, maybe I'm wrong.

- Plus, did they seriously end Reggie's storyline? That was it? He smashed his dad's car and had a heart-to-heart and suddenly years of abuse ends? Fuck this show!

- How is it that Ronnie is going to Harvard....running a successful nightclub....and yet she figured they could raise $40,000 with half naked teenagers washing cars in some backwater town in a day? A child thinks like that, not a teenager going to Harvard. She's an idiot!

- What the fuck happened to Edgar? I get that he's a cult leader and all of that but he suddenly went from Hippie Edgar to Cape Fear Edgar!

- You need $250,000, Edgar? Why not do a car wash?

- "I thought it was puerile. Tawdry waste of time. I's pulp. Not to mention, your prose reads like a pre-teen journal-ling about his abandonment issues than a coherent narrative." I'm sure that was a legit criticism of this show that they decided to insert into the dialogue.

- A night nurse Toni found online. I ask again....who would trust these two morons to take care of infant twins?

- Son of a diplomat? I'll give it to them....that's an interesting protection for Bret.

- So now Moose is bi. I'd wish they'd make up their minds.

- What incredible timing by Polly. How did she know where Betty even was?


So with nothing but verbal instructions from Charles, scissors and a hair pin, Betty defuses a bomb! Fuck this show!

- Really, Ronnie? You can't come up with $250,000? You people seem to come up with copious amounts of money by doing absolutely nothing so why can't you come up with this amount?

- And thank you for proving my point with the eggs, Ronnie!

- And how did Betty get the school bus?

- Why this sudden shift in Edgar's personality? Why go from cult leader to surfer psychopath?

- NICE!!! Well done, Evelyn! Well done! Now hit Archie in the head with a beam and I'll love you forever!

- What the fuck? I was JUST beginning to have some respect for Bret as a villain while he was taunting Jughead. But when Jug goes all tough guy, Bret's face is nothing but fear! It's disappointing!

- "I own that jail. I come and go as I please." Then why go there at all?!?

- While I'm somewhat impressed that they're finally addressing how and why a Latino guy has the non-Latino name of Hiram Lodge, it's a tad bit late! They waited 4 seasons to do this? 

- I'll say this, I'm glad that Hiram (or Jaime, whatever his real name is) is getting the upper hand on Veronica!

- Aaaaaaand Stupid Archie is back!

- I hope Dodger and his buddies beat the shit out of Archie! Maybe they'll beat the stupid out of him too!

- Of course. I forgot. Archie can beat 5 guys with nothing but a bat in his hand and come out of it with minimal scars. Because, he is....after all....

- "Evelyn is going to drive the bus full of Farmies off of a cliff as a distraction while he takes off in his rocket!"

That sounds so stupid it's actually brilliant!

- This Cheryl storyline is completely and utterly pointless. It's just filler and not even good filler at that. And I think that look by Toni is actually the actress expressing disappointment and disgust at having to be a part of this crap!

- So when did Evelyn turn into a beatnik revolutionary?

- "Those bitches!" Ya gotta love Evelyn!

- I gotta say, even all beat up, Alice still looks hot!

- So now Betty's dressed like a beatnik revolutionary and so everybody listens to what she says. Never mind that they saw her get bonked in the head by Evelyn the night before. Never mind that she's wearing the clothes that Evelyn wore and Evelyn is nowhere to be seen!

- What the fuck is this?

So Edgar is Evel Knievel now?

- Why is Alice trying to stop Edgar? Just let him take off in his rocket that he built himself....see how far he gets! He'll most likely die anyway.

- So Weatherbee was part of the Farmies and he got his pinkie finger cut off? This makes no sense.

- What a fucking horrible way for Edgar to end! This was bullshit! I can't....I can't even....

- Veronica Luna. Oddly enough, that sounds fitting.


- A video cassette? Where the hell is Jughead going to find a VCR to play that thing?

What a horrible ending to the Farm storyline. Edgar deserved better than this. And yet, I'm not surprised at all. And what about Evelyn? I hope she sticks around somehow.

I'm beginning to realize that Riverdale is sort of like the TV version of Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin. It's just horrible. My only entertainment is making fun of it, so I guess that's something!

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