Sunday, March 21, 2021

Legacies - Yup, It's a Leprechaun, All Right


Discussing Ep. 3.7 - Watching this episode, I couldn't help but wonder if I had missed an episode because there seems to be a real disconnect with some of the storylines.

Hearing both Hope and Alaric talking about them exhausting their resources to search for Landon, to the point that Alaric neglected paying the school's property taxes, made no sense. Hope saying that she exhausted her search for Landon to the point that she gave him up for dead, saying how the Ascendant was gone and she even had a jar of Landon's muddy remains (which was bizarre) really felt like it came out of nowhere. Even MG talking with Alyssa, who is somewhere else and making it sound like they already had their discussions about Alyssa sleeping with Jed, really made it feel like there was some lost episode where all of this stuff happened.

Speaking of Hope and Landon....a glass jar?!? She kept his muddy remains in a non-descript glass jar?  I mean, I get that people keep the ashes of their loved ones in decorative urns and what not but this was just some black sludge that anybody could have broken quite easily if they weren't careful! Like I said last week, I'm glad that Cleo is part of the cast though her and Hope bonding as fast as they did was a bit of a surprise. Again, it felt like I missed an episode. And I liked how she was able to help deal with her grief, though all the good that it did considering it looks like Landon may still be alive somewhere, according to Hope. And that means Hope's obsession will continue.

I was actually glad that Cleo essentially told Hope what her problem was, in that Hope is literally obsessed with Landon. And her gushing about him didn't help matters either, especially when she made that bust and she commented how it didn't do Landon's many features justice or whatever she said. Please! That bust didn't look like him at all! No way does the real Landon look that masculine and brooding! LOL! I have to laugh when they do these busts because it's so hard to capture what the person really looks like. Even in real life, with professionals doing it, it can be really tough. I always remember this bust of soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo and how ridiculous it looked in comparison to his face.

So just when we thought that Hope was finally letting go and moving on, we get a fucking leprechaun! I'm thinking someone on the cast is a big 80's horror fan, considering they did that whole 80's slasher flick homage with Hope's therapy session and now this. This guy is literally a cheap knock off of a cheap 80's horror leprechaun! 

I thought this was stupid. I get that they're trying to bank on the whole St. Patrick's Day thing but this was really stupid! But once again, we get the plot of them trying to 'save the school.' Didn't we have this plot last week? And it's funny as fuck that I mentioned to Jenzy how this show was slowly morphing into Riverdale and all that was essentially needed to complete the transformation was a fundraising car wash. 

Well, lo and behold....

To be fair though, I also griped about how they weren't showing any vampire powers, and both Kaleb and MG used their vamp-speed in this episode! I—was—shocked! Regardless, this was still stupid. First off, they say they have no money, not even for Lizzie's precious smoothie bar. And yet, they're able to put up elaborate decorations and host elaborate auctions and bake copious amounts of food....with what money? And then, of course, we get Alaric and his cougar!

This was stupid too! Not that I was against Alaric getting some action in the romance/sex department, mainly because I think he's suffered so much that he deserves some kind of a win at this point. But the lady was just far, far too forward. Again, where is the class and grace? I applaud Alaric for not giving in, if only because this woman was completely reckless. She wanted to get it on with her office?!? She couldn't arrange to meet him at a motel or something? And all to approve a loan? Would his D really be worth $91,000?!? If he was THAT good, I really doubt Sheriff Mac would have left town, even if she was scared of the supernatural element! In the end, I guess it stroked Alaric's ego, but I wouldn't hold out any kind of hope for him since I've already stated my opinion on Alaric's potential for a long-term relationship.

Speaking of relationships, especially relationships that I couldn't give a fuck about, we have Josie, skipping school already, just because she's afraid of having lunch with Finch because she's unsure about how Finch feels about her. Really? Both Finch and Josie were like "gee, I don't know if you like me or not." REALLY?!? Since the moment they met, they looked like they were ready to rip each other's clothes off! What is it with this made up drama? Unless Finch turns out to be some kind of a witch or other supernatural creature and has a bigger role to play in the grand scheme of things, then I don't care whether she and Josie make it or not. I don't care at all!

Because in the end, she may turn out to be another Alyssa Chang. Apparently, according to the actress on her Instagram account, this was Alyssa's last appearance on the show. And I'm sitting here thinking....what a fucking waste! What was the point? What was the point of her being on the show at all? She was a bit player who ended up exiting the show on a bad note, mainly cheating on MG with Jed. What was the point of this character? Simply to get MG to grow out of his 'nice guy' persona? And speaking of MG...

First of all, I don't know if it was my imagination, but the actor looked older for some reason. I can't put my finger on it. And that's not a good thing when he's supposed to be portraying an immortal vampire! I suppose neither Stefan nor Damon kept their youthful looks throughout TVD's run either but I don't know what it was that made MG seem a lot older than he was in the last episode. Secondly, why does he have the Ascendant? Like I said before, it seemed I missed an episode where the Ascendant was revealed to be not working and being a major piece of the puzzle as to why they couldn't get Landon back. Now, all of a sudden, MG has it and had been hiding it under an illusion spell by Alyssa and he essentially betrayed Hope in the process. I have no idea what the hell is going on!

If they hadn't wasted an episode where they were trying to save the school...AGAIN...and had spent the time filling in these gaps, all these developments wouldn't have felt so jarring. And like Jenzy said last week, this is so directionless. Where are they going with all of this? Is it all just about saving the school? Is it all just about obsessing over Landon? Is it all just about Josie trying to quell her rampant sexual urges at a 'normal' school? Just like Alyssa Chang, this all seems so pointless.

TVD S5 called....they would like their season back!  

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