Thursday, November 21, 2019

Riverdale - The Ice Storm

Discussing Ep. 4.7

- I was like...."Thanksgiving?!? We already had Thanks....oh, wait, this is American Thanksgiving. I forgot!" LOL!

- "Hiram ran unopposed, allowing him to ascend to power overnight." Only in Riverdale could a new mayor come into power overnight!

- Damn it.....I KNOW HER!!! Where do I know her from?

- Alcoholism? That's the best excuse Dupont could give for Chipping killing himself?

- The phones......again....the phones.....

- Fucking hell! So Toni's problem isn't that she killed a human isn't Cheryl's nonchalant plan of dumping a family member into the icy river to get rid of the's that someone is watching her?

- Oh, that's wonderful logic, Cheryl. Toni should free herself of the guilt because she committed manslaughter, not murder! The fuck is this nonsense?

- Wooooooo!!!! FP is there to shut down Archie's little Thansgiving get-together. I should feel horrible about that....but I don't!

- "Ronnie, where did you get all of this?"

Where she gets everything else, Archie....she pulls it all out of her ass when it's convenient!

- BAH HA HA HA HA HA....FP claims the gym is still an active crime scene? Then why the fuck didn't he cordon it off? Why didn't he shut it down? Any evidence he was hoping to collect is probably worthless now with all the activity that's gone on since Dodger's beating. What kind of incompetent sheriff do we have here?

- Oh, look at how cute and domestic Falice looks!

- Wow, Ronnie! Real mature. Way to go and ruin Hermosa's first Thanksgiving with the family!

- Ya know's about time someone shed a fucking tear over Fred Andrews and missing him on Thanksgiving. You'd never know he was missed by looking at anyone else! Good on Mary for that!

- Why isn't Aunt Cricket calling the cops and issuing a missing person's report? If Uncle Bedford was last seen at Thistlehouse.....wouldn't that be the first place she'd send the cops to? And Cheryl and Toni's complete lack of concern or guilt or emotion over committing murder is rather unsettling.

- Quill and Skull. Now they're going with the whole campus secret society a la Skull and Bones from Yale.

- "Of all the burger joints, they have to walk into ours." What other burger joints are there in Riverdale? Does Riverdale even have a McDonald's?

- Okay, I barely get Hiram and Hermosa going to Pop's for a meal amidst the "worst ice storm ever," but I don't get Falice doing that at all. Unless the power went out at their place, then I could believe it. Otherwise, why bother? They had food at home. Cook at home! Has anyone on the writing staff ever been through an ice storm before? I've been through one. You can't drive! It's fucking ice out there!

- AHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! I loved FP's reaction to Alice inviting the Lodge's to join them!

- Whoa! Looks like the Easter Bunny has had enough with kids taking his chocolate eggs!

- Why is the infirmary locked up? Why is there no staff there during an ice storm when all the students are still in residence and they....I don't know....may need emergency medical attention?!?

- "You're too good for this world, Archiekins." Oh, shut up, Veronica! Just shut the fuck up!!!

- Whoa....what? Did Darla just point out a glaring absurdity?
"I'm Archie...I run the centre."
"'re just a kid yourself!"
Yes, it's absurd, isn't it, lady?

- Oh, fuck off, Riverdale! Just fuck off! So now Betty can stitch wounds too?

I bet if she were to enrol in medical school, she'd quit in like a month in because it was "too easy" for her! Fuck this show!

- Who the hell is doing the cooking at Thistlehouse? I refuse to believe that Cheryl can cook.

- I laughed when that woman pulled out the gun. And it's funny that Archie says that "no one here tried to hurt Dodger" when he beat the shit out of him dressed as the Masked Avenger!

- Why would Jug assume that Bret would cop to being in a secret society.....when it's a secret society?

- So Betty took the pin. Why didn't she just take a photo of it and leave it there so as to not draw suspicion that SHE WAS SNOOPING AROUND DONNA'S ROOM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! I fail to see how she's too good for the FBI. She sucks!

- I'll say least they're consistent with Archie's stupidity. His grand plan is to go and get all the weapons he's confiscated (knives, bats, etc.) and start an all out brawl with Dodger's family. And why? Because violence is Archie's first and only response to problems! I give Ronnie credit for being the voice of reason in this.

- "You know what I think, Carrot Top? I think you got a hero complex!"

I love this woman! I'm rooting for her in this encounter.

- "Now that was a touching display. Hell, another day, I might have even cried. But not today!" This woman's awesome! I want her to be a regular on the show!

- Yeah, I'm not surprised Mary Andrews could pull that level of violence out of herself. Archie's penchant for violence has to come from somewhere!

- FP is reminding Hiram about the hit he put out on Jughead. Jug barely acknowledges it. Archie has been the target of Hiram's wrath far more times than Jughead, and he seems to have COMPLETELY forgotten about that. Why is FP still hung up on it?

- I liked that confrontation between FP and Hiram. It felt more gritty than any of the encounters Archie and friends ever have.

- Nana Blossom is awesome!

- Cheryl better be bluffing. She had seriously better be bluffing because if she legit baked Uncle Bedford into those meat pies, then all hope is lost!

- I fail to see how Cheryl could prove Aunt Cricket of committing cannibalism without incriminating herself and Toni of murder or manslaughter.

- Oh! That was unexpected. Mr. Chipping and Donna....having an affair?

- So they're going to be bringing back the Serpents? Again? Sigh!

- Man, I seriously hope there is a ghost of Julian that wreaks havoc on Cheryl and Toni because I cannot stand the two of them!

- Oh, fuck Betty and Jug too! I'm glad Bret is filming them and hope he blackmails them by threatening to put their sex tape on the Internet! Then again, knowing Betty and her kinky side, she'd probably welcome the attention and even offer to dress up as Dark Betty, black wig and all, for the next sex tape release.

- An unexpected tribute....but a nice one just the same.

Once again, I find myself rooting for the guest villains. Mrs. Dodger was awesome! I hope we have not seen the last of her but I fear she'll go the way of Penny and come to some unfortunate end.

It's a funny thing about Cheryl and Toni. I COULD be into them if they had established this kind of Addams Family quirk to them in seasons before. But not now! Now, it just comes off as stupid. Toni and Cheryl committed manslaughter, at best. And despite how they felt about Uncle Bedford, who they knew for all of 10 minutes.....he didn't deserve to die. But neither of them feel remorse or guilt about it and instead are all giggles and happy feelings after they cooked his meat and served it to his remaining family. Again, the Addams Family doing that.....I could applaud that because with them it's darkly funny.

These two buffoons? No! They haven't earned that at all and it's not funny, it's stupid. I hope Julian's ghost and that doll really goes poltergeist-clown on them and destroys them both!

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