Monday, January 13, 2020

Evil - Room 320

Discussing Ep. 1.11

Damn, this was a freaky episode!

It was really difficult to distinguish what was real and what wasn't and left me with a whole bunch of questions and a bit of a disappointing revelation.

Nurse Plague! If her first name was Julie instead of Nancy, I'd have been very suspicious as to why they called her Plague! It was such a great build up because Harlan described her as Squeaky Shoes and I was totally expecting some old woman or someone far more intimidating looking. And to be fair, when Nancy would become annoyed with David's antics, she looked intimidating! But her demeanour totally betrayed her killings. I couldn't help but wonder if they took a page from a real serial killer here in Canada. Elizabeth Wettlaufer was a nurse who killed 8 seniors in nursing homes across Ontario, and to look at her, you'd never suspect she was a serial killer.

Her methods were somewhat similar to Nancy's, overdosing the patients with insulin instead of painkillers. But her crimes when unnoticed for a number of years. I don't know how long Nancy has been killing patients, black patients in particular. I'm hoping we're going to get more answers as to why she was killing black patients and what was real and what wasn't. Was Father Douglas real? What the hell were these things?

These were the creatures that took Harlan away. Were they nurses that David saw as monsters? Who was that priest that was with them? Was Harlan actually missing his legs or was that imagined by David? So many questions. And it didn't help that Grace showed up in David's visions, admitting that he was dreaming, although throwing yet another puzzle piece into it all.

What does Matt 13:25 have to do with the triangle that David saw?

"But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."

I have no idea what that verse has to do with that triangle image. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I have to say though, I was nervous throughout David's time in that hospital. They really had Nancy give off that Misery feel to it, that it felt like she was really capable of doing anything. I was fully expecting her go all Annie Wilkes and whip out a sledgehammer and do some orthopaedic work on David!

In the meantime, we got a bit more of a backstory to David's crew, where we were introduced to Kristen's predecessor, Judy James.

I didn't know what to make of her. She seemed really young to be a psychologist and I'm somewhat intrigued by her spirituality, even going so far as to not answer the door on Friday's because she's exploring the universe! I'm curious to know if she will stick around and what role she will have to play, and if she feels any resentment at all towards Kristen for taking her spot. She did refer to Kristen as "the new me." And while she seemed friendly with Ben, they don't seem to have the same chemistry that Kristen and Ben do.

In their investigation to find David's attacker, they came across an old case involving Richard Ghana, who turned out to be the person behind Rose390. I have to say, I was majorly disappointed with this revelation. The idea that this crazy guy, who was doped up on a drug called Flaka, was the guy behind the Rose390 avatar and the game itself? That didn't make much sense at all and I was hoping for a more supernatural explanation....or at the very least, an explanation that tied in with The Sixty. And perhaps it still does but there is still a lot to explain. It never explained why, when Kristen's daughters played the game, they could still see a demonic entity in the real world.

They really made it seem like the game, just like that "hacker" that was able to hack into Ben's Alexa device, as well as Brenda, were all mysteries that didn't necessarily have a natural explanation to them. Are they going to go back and put a natural explanation to those other mysteries now too?

And yet, before they even answer those old questions, they throw out these new ones. Why did David dream of Grace? Was she giving him a true revelation or was it just his imagination? Why would that monster, who was the same ones that took Harlan away, attack her? Who is Father Douglas? And how in the hell does Matt 13:25 tie in with that triangle?

All questions that I hope are answered, and answered logically!

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