Saturday, January 18, 2020

Legacies - I Couldn't Have Done This Without You

Discussing Ep. 2.9

This was an entertaining episode and I am somewhat intrigued by the potential of a Dark Josie making her appearance.

Let's start with a bit of Ted talk. Well, less talk and more Ted. Was that his real name when he was a human? And how in the world did he get that job or that apartment when he no doubt he has no ID, no Social Security, no proof of his identity, no job record....nothing.


Well, perhaps not quite since he didn't seem to have that either. I do wonder if we're going to get more history into the guy or was that it.....was all we ever learned of the famed Necromancer was that he was once a guy named Ted, if that was his real name, and that he didn't start out as a supernatural being, per se, but had to work his way into being the Necromancer, starting out as a fledgling warlock. I have to say, at first I was a bit disappointed that it turned out that those two druids in red walking around were actually Ted and Chad. But as the episode went along, I became fine with it because it was humorous to begin with and it seemed to make more sense. And maybe because I liked Chad.

I'm really hoping there's a happy ending for Chad in all of this because he has been a really good friend to Ted, aside from trying to kill him that one time. He believed in Ted and his absurd story.....he encouraged Ted to follow his dreams of becoming the Necromancer once again.....he picked Ted up when Ted had fallen and didn't even want to get himself back up again. And then his idea of pissing into Malivore was just fucking hilarious! It was the most immature thing a person could do and such a frat boy/guy thing to do at the same time. And what does he get for all of that? Ted kills him. There was a bit of a Thanos/Gamora thing there since Ted admitted that he needed to sacrifice someone he had grown fond of. So now Chad is relegated to being Ted's minion. And what is Ted's plan? He goes and re-opens Malivore (I didn't even know it had been closed.....was Clarke's death responsible for that?) and pulls out this thing.

Who is this guy? At first, I couldn't help but recall Meg Mucklebones from the movie Legend. This guy could be her husband or brother.

Judging from what Ted said, this guy is another Malivore resident who was promised peace and never found it. I liked that Chad had put it all together as to why Malivore returned Necromancer as a human, that Malivore rewarded him with peace by making him human and allowing him to relive his life in peace. I have to agree with Ted on this one.....if that was the reward, that reward sucked! Living a human life does not give anyone a sense of peace! Not in this world. And I think they showed a bit of that by having Ted work at that ice cream store. He was never going to be at peace, especially since he remembered his previous life as the Necromancer. So, I'm on Team Necromancer here.....fall to the dark side of the Force, by all means, and create chaos.

Speaking of the dark side....

That is a sexy look for Josie! I don't know if we are to take this as a premonition of things to come or if it's merely a warning. I kind of feel that Hope's line of Vincent (name drop) telling her about that hour glass thingy and it's properties was a bit contrived. I mean, when would he have told her that? And why would he have told her that unless they had encountered it before. That sounded really tacked on that Hope remembered talking to Vincent, of all people, about that specific artifact. Hey, maybe Vincent will make a cameo! One can only hope!

But now, that hour glass is doomed to shatter and all that negative energy will come out. Again, felt a bit contrived. Either way though, I'm glad that they haven't abandoned the Dark Josie storyline with the death of Clarke/Vardemus. I was also glad that Josie even asked the question: why her? Why was she chosen by Clarke? How powerful is she? And will she truly fall to the dark side? I do hope so, if only for a little bit.

On a side note, while I'm somewhat glad that Josie reconciled with Hope and Landon, it was a bit too easy. Now they're all friends again and they're all happy? Yeah, it doesn't really work like that. But fine, whatever. I suppose it's good that they didn't dwell too much on their individual misery and jealousy since they do have other characters and storylines to attend to, but that happy moment of Josie and Landon just talking and wanting to be friends again.....a bit too simplistic for me.

I don't know what to make of this storyline. Drowned Pirate always gives me that Damon vibe, but more British. If Damon were British and a pirate, he'd be Sebastian. I could see him being useful as a temptation for Lizzie but that's about all I see him being good for as far as an addition to the show. The fact that he has a history, that an entire chapter of a book was named after him.....Sebastian, The Merciless....makes him an obvious threat. But to what end? They have bigger fish to fry with Malivore and The Necromancer and Kai, in due time. If they're trying to pitch this idea that he wants to be good for the sake of Lizzie, that's just bullshit. Like I said, it's like Damon all over again, the bad boy vampire wanting to be good for the sake of a girl. No, we had enough of that on TVD, we don't need it again. Lizzie couldn't possibly be a big enough motivation for Sebastian to abandon his marauding vampire pirate ways!

I can appreciate the storyline of a villain wanting to be good again, and Drowned Pirate stopping MG from turning Ripper sure made it seem like he was sincere in his efforts to fit in. But unless he has a larger role to play this season, I don't get the point of him being there if only for that storyline. We already have characters there with nothing to do (Kaleb, MG, Hope). While I don't think that Alaric killed him, I do believe he has him locked up somewhere and is wanting to give him a second chance. Why Alaric will give him a chance? Well, maybe Drowned Pirate reminds him of Damon too!

And I have to say, I like this little nod that the CW did in reference to their big DC Crossovers that they're doing. I don't watch those other shows (though I should) but I do know what's going on and how they're referencing all these different DC properties on CW shows like Arrow and Supergirl, and so I had to laugh when Josie is reading this particular comic. Very good advertising. Also, props to MG for standing up for his beliefs, protesting Lizzie's assessment that the comic was a mere comic and instead was "a seminal work of fiction!" I have to say too, it's fucking brutal when the girl you like starts talking about banging another guy.....I'm really hoping MG finds love with Kaleb's sisters because he really needs to get his mind off of Lizzie!

Overall, a good episode and it sets up where Ted is going to take things to the next level and what his grand scheme is. And of course, we are counting down to the arrival of a beloved TVD Big Bad.

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